
Make money from your blog. Publish ads with Apnarelation Ads

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Placing Ads on blogs using blogger

Apnarelation Ad Network send banner code in text file as attached in mail. Save the text files on your desktop or folder as per your convenience.

File name shows the size of banner. Open the file of you want to use the banner for E.g. Incase you want to display banner size of 728x90, double click the file "cr-728x90.txt". The file will contain banner code similar to given below image.

Go to www.blogger.com. Sign in using your username and password.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

You can drag Sponsered Ads in Blog post or Nav Bar

Step 6:

Done. Now check the Ad on Your Blog.


  1. It is really very good guide for newbees.

    Give information for Increasing traffic for Blog/webite.


  2. easy to understand, thanks for the great work

  3. i do all things with my blog but ads are not displaying

    my blog is

